As a financial advisor, your job is to get specific when it comes to knowing each client’s financial goals and where to put each client’s money in order to achieve those goals. After all, if individual investors had your nuanced expertise and arsenal of investing tools, why would they entrust their wealth to an advisor?

Experienced financial advisors know that their value to clients hinges on building high-performing portfolios, modifying as needed in an agile and informed way as the market evolves. Because the market is not stagnant, this process involves discovery on an ongoing basis. 

After all, how can you weigh the best options for each client’s portfolio if you don’t know all of the options? 


The greater the depth and breadth of your knowledge of investment options, the better. So, after identifying what your client’s goals are, how do you match each client with the options that are best suited to meet those goals? How do you go about identifying the best securities or funds that match an investor’s goals and providing the most helpful financial advice? 

Magnifi’s investment platform makes this process easier and more straightforward than ever before for clients and advisors alike by answering complex investment questions entered in its search function both constructively and quickly. Not only is the platform accurate, offering evidenced-based rationale for the securities it populates, it also allows the user to identify securities by typing in queries using natural language. 

For example, if a user types in something as general as “US Large Cap no FAANG,” the platform will populate the best options in seconds. 

Magnifi’s discovery tools can make any advisor—from the most experienced, to the most novice— a better advisor by limiting their blindspots, offering well-matched out-of-the-box solutions that they might not necessarily think of.

Start discovering more, and discovering better, today with Magnifi’s investment discovery platform.